Hello people , our mid year exam has passed , and our Os is coming -_-''' haiz...
Anyway , this is a great month where we had lots of fun and excitement.
Recently , the day before yesterday , some of us went to east coast on a random day at a random time and did a random thing , FISHING. It was fun ok Ms sneeze , not some ah pek stuff. Its our first time so its quite screwed up . No one bought bait , and a lot of other stuff like clip , glove and pliers...But nvm , there fishermen there were kind enough to give us some baits and teach us some skills. So , we started fishing like 40min after we reach bedok jetty.
In fact , im the only one fishing and the rest were playing Monopoly where Gary started getting high. Lots of laughter , criticism and lazy man as well , i don have to say who.
After long hours of waiting , i finally caught one fish , one madefarking ugly fish. Its so ugly till i don dare to touch it. Luckily , we got some scout with us , we turn that fish into more batis =) which lured one madefarking big fish which broke the nylon string and stolen my biggest hook......wasted....but nvm.Pearleen also caught a crab which i then let loose.
So we had a really fun day that day and went home the next morning with my fishy smell.
Below were some pictures taken that day and one today when we went to some random place and took a fking slow escalator.