
Hey everyone , hows life? Has been spending money continuously this week man , and now i broke!

After Intra club/training yesterday , the usual few of us and kevin , decided to go dhoby ghaut for dinner at Just Acia for the free flow of drinks and ice cream to relief our ice cream craving.
But is just some cheap supermarket ice cream.

While eating , Somehow i manage to psycho them to catch a midnight movie at Vivo City!! But sadly the girls cant go so it became guys night out!

Went to the night feast at national museum , and saw nothing LOL , we totally got no idea where is the exhibition at and just aimlessly walk around-.-
After sending YJ and mother of Xiao Wei Siong home , drove to vivo city for Predators!! and it turn out , boring....only SOME parts are exciting...really wasted man , stay up the night for a lousy show...and reached home at 5am!

Therefore , Aven shockingly asked us to go and watch another BETTER movie again today and we caught , The Despicable ME! Really not bad and really funny lol. The yellow little thingy really damn stupid and cute. After the movie , we went to relief aven's craving for Macdonald ice cream and that ended the day.

Pictures will be uploaded soon.


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